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Hey everyone! Welcome to Our New Site!

We’re back after a long period of maintenance and can finally show off our newest website. This time, a new web also means a new blog and lots of other changes for this new year coming.

So what is different with the site?

Some of our new features are:

  • Fully responsive on any device: We have built a much more responsive website to give our customers a more comfortable, dynamic experience, allowing them to navigate our site from mobile and tablets as easily as in the computers.
  • The addition of an orders tracking page, so you can easily follow the transit of your items.
  • Better display: The site now displays perfectly on high-density Retina displays and high-resolution screens.
  • Better search: We have added a better search feature for you to find content in our website quickly.
  • Better SEO: We have better SEO tools, for you to find us and our products more easily on any internet search.
  • Hotspots: We have added some images with hotspots and tooltips, as the ones you can view at our homepage, where hotspots work as product tags, for you to be redirected to the product that the model is wearing in the photo. So cool!
  • Instagram Post at Homepage: You can now view our latest instagram posts at the end of our homepage, above the footer area.
  • Speed optimization: We have enhanced the customer experience with high performance, speeding up loading and activities on the site.

Retail and product news:

  • New retail reach: We’re spreading to stores in Puerto Rico, Brazil and Mexico!
  • Bigger variaty of products: We’ll be adding sunglasses, headphones, watches and many more to our catalog.
  • Giveaways: You better prepare for all the giveaways that we’re planning for this 2020. To stay tuned, subscribe or follow us in social networks.

New online stores:

We have joined the following marketplaces, as we expand to reach even more customers:

  • Bonanza
  • Wish
  • Amazon Europe (Includes the Amazon marketplaces for the following countries: United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Spain).

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